Here's Why You Should Use Hydraulic Benders In Your Operations

Posted on: 6 June 2022

Bending metals into different shapes is common in industries such as construction, automotive repair, bar bending, and shipbuilding, among others. One of the most suitable tools for bending activities is a hydraulic bender. It is a machine that uses hydraulic pressure to bend metallic tubes to form different angles in industrial operations. It uses a hydraulic piston that exerts high pressure on the pipe, making it curve. They exist in various models depending on the type of material you want to bend, i.e., steel pipe benders, aluminum benders, brass benders, soft pipe benders, etc. This piece discusses why you should use hydraulic benders for your operations.


The efficiency of machines in industrial operations helps save time and improve productivity. The pressure exerted by hydraulic benders fastens the bending of metals regardless of their sturdiness. They can perform multiple bends at the same. Furthermore, they have a clamping system that keeps the metal in shape to enable precise and accurate bending without any interruptions to the machines. These features allow you to work faster. 

Easy to Use

User-friendliness should always be a key consideration when buying bending equipment. Consider how long it will take for your employees to learn to use it correctly and whether you'll have to incur training costs before operations. Hydraulic bending machines are easy to use since they run on an automated cycle until you complete all the bending. The operator just needs to understand how to adjust the device depending on the specific bending angles you need. The machine displays an error message if there is a mistake, making it easier for the operator to make adjustments. The automation feature also means the operator uses less energy when working. The machines have an operating manual and safety guidelines to ensure smooth operation. 


Another advantage of using hydraulic benders is their versatility. You can use them to bend different types of metal tubes and pipes in mechanical applications, e.g., roll cages, chassis, metal sheets, etc. They have different levels of station tables that can process multiple curvatures, polygons, and bends. Versatility helps you save on the cost of buying different types of hydraulic metal bending machines for each function. It is also a long-term investment as you can rent it to other businesses with bending needs. 


If you're looking for a metal bending tool for your industry, consider choosing a hydraulic bending machine. It is versatile, efficient, and easy to use. Consult a professional dealer to guide you on the best model depending on the operation speed, material thickness, usage frequency, and budget.
